How long do termites live after treatment?

How long do termites live after treatment?

Termites are a common problem, particularly in the warmer months when they’re active. These pesky bugs can cause extensive damage to your home, and they may even be difficult to get rid of. If you think you have termites, the best course of action is to call a professional. However, if you’re looking for an approximate timeline for termite treatment, read on! Termites can live up to five years after being treated, but the average lifespan is about two and a half years. This means that if you treat your termites in the spring, they likely won’t come back until the fall or winter.

How do you treat for termites?

The treatment of termites requires the use of a professional exterminator. The most common way to treat for termites is to use a chemical bait that is placed into the nest. Once the termites have eaten the bait, the professional exterminator will come out and spray the area with a poisonous gas. This will kill all of the termite colonies in the area.

Another way to treat for termites is to use a subterranean termite treatment method. This involves injecting a poisonous fluid into the soil around the base of the termite mound. The poison will kill all of the termites in the area.

Both of these methods require a professional exterminator to do and should not be attempted by the home owner.

What happens after you treat for termites?

After treating for termites, it is important to monitor the damage done to your home. If you have any concerns about the health of your family or property, you should call a professional. The average lifespan of a termite colony after treatment is around 5 years.

If you notice any new signs of termite activity, such as damaged wood, you should call a professional again. Your home may still be in danger and the best course of action is to have the damage assessed and treated as soon as possible.

How long do termites live after treatment?

Termites are creatures that need moist environments to survive. Once they are treated and eliminated from the area, they will not be able to return. Depending on the severity of the infestation, some termites may only live for a few weeks while others may live for up to a year or more without returning. Generally, if you are treating for termites in the spring, they will not return until the fall or winter.


Termites are a difficult pest to get rid of, but with the right treatment plan, you can ensure that they won’t come back. In this article, we will discuss how long termite damage takes to repair and what steps you should take to ensure a successful eradication.

Termites can live for up to five years after treatment, but the average lifespan is about two and a half years. Therefore, if you treat your termites in the spring, they likely won’t come back until the fall or winter. If you have any concerns about the health of your family or property, you should call a professional.

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